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Sarah K Chapman

Author~Speaker~Personal Chef


Balancing Act  

Lycka Till 

Simply Sarah



     I’m a late bloomer and that’s a good thing. Readers relate to my stories about growing up in Sarasota, traveling on the circus and doing multiple jobs there, single parenting, surviving abuse and more.

     Instead of a sedate retirement, it just gets busier with presentations at local and national events, writing and publishing, volunteering and grand parenting. I do take time to grow flowers and catch fish in my northern clime.


     A portion of my writing is reader generated by valuable comments from folks like you. I welcome your feedback.

Hello Sunshine!


This webpage is due to the dedication and patience of my daughter-in-law, Emily Chapman, who along with being a wife, mother of three, and nurse, is a whiz in the kitchen. Her vegetable garden supplies ingredients for her creations.

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